
5 Coffee Brewing Methods to Try for Your Next Jolt

Java; Cuppa Joe; Jitter Juice; Lifeblood. Not only are there plenty of different names for everyone’s favorite morning stimulant, there are so many different flavors, add-ins, beans, and even ways you can brew coffee that it has become its own culture!

Passionate coffee lovers could spend days arguing why their favorite brewing method is superior to all others, but the truth is each technique has something special to offer. Check out some of our favorite methods below and give one a shot the next time you go to make your favorite cup of gourmet coffee!

1) Automatic Drip Coffee

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Chances are, any coffee you’ve had from your work office or a doctor’s waiting room has been brewed by an automatic drip coffee maker. Both easy and convenient, this method has you simply place ground coffee in the filter, pour the water into the basin, and hit brew!

Coffee prepared via automatic drip tends to be higher in caffeine, since the grounds are in contact with the water for longer. As a bonus, the filters help remove some of the excess fatty acids that can build up in coffee, adding to the list of health benefits your morning jolt already as to offer.

2) Pour Over Coffee

The pour over method is very similar to the automatic drip, except you’re pouring the water over the grounds yourself—hence the name. Manually adding the water has the advantage of giving you more control over the taste, strength, and temperature of your coffee.

There are a few different options for the manual drip method, but the most popular are the Chemex glass flask or a simple coffee cone.

3) French Press Coffee

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Many coffee enthusiasts consider the French Press the best way to brew. The secret is allowing the grounds to sit in the water for 4-6 minutes (depending on your preferred strength and taste), then using the press to steep and strain.

Spending extra time in the water allows more natural flavor to be drawn out of the coffee and preserved. The French Press also helps to better diffuse the caffeine and antioxidants. All in all, this method is known for brewing a richer, stronger, and silkier cup.

4) AeroPress Coffee

The AeroPress setup is not too different from the French Press. The only variation is that instead of a mesh metal press, air pressure is used to extract the coffee. To create that air pressure, you’ll press down a plastic cylinder that forces the brewed coffee through the filter and into your cup.

The amount of caffeine in AeroPress-brewed coffee is equivalent to about one shot of espresso, which is less than what’s in a cup from the French Press. It is perhaps the simplest brewing method and the most convenient for travel.

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5) Cold Brew Coffee

Cold brew coffee has become increasingly popular over the last few years, in part because of its sweeter taste and richer flavor. This type of coffee is steeped in cold water and kept in the fridge for 12-24 hours before being filtered—allowing the flavor to really soak in and disperse.

Because cold brew coffee is less acidic, it’s easier on your stomach. The lower acidity is also responsible for that enticing sweetness. Cold brew coffee can be made in bulk and stored for up to two weeks!

Here at Otto’s Granary, we believe you should have as many options as possible when it comes to your coffee.

That’s why we offer an extensive variety of whole bean and ground gourmet coffee to keep your taste buds tantalized! Our unique flavors are the perfect way to test out different brewing methods and decide which one comes out on top.

Stop by our store today or have our premier coffee delivered right to your house and discover your new favorite flavor!

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