6 Tips for Building the Perfect Easter Basket

6 Tips For Building The Perfect Easter Basket 2

Flowers are blooming, spring-cleaning lists are being made, and winter jackets are going back into storage as we get into the swing of the brand-new season. As we enter spring, we can expect to see a few new visitors come out—birds, honeybees, and soon…the Easter Bunny! Easter baskets aren’t just fun to look for and […]

Krewes, King Cake, and The Origins of Mardi Gras

Everybody knows about Mardi Gras. Images of drunken merrymakers clad in purple, green, and gold, throwing beads throughout the streets of New Orleans likely come to mind when you think of this holiday. What many people don’t know is that there’s much more to the colorful history of Mardi Gras than confections, nonstop parties, and […]

Everything You Never Knew You Needed to Know About Godiva Chocolate

Did you know that researchers estimate the average American consumes 10-12 pounds of chocolate each year? And that’s nothing compared to the people of Switzerland, who annually devour more than 20! Based on these numbers, it’s probably safe to assume that everyone has enjoyed one or more of the many delectable flavors from chocolatiering giant, […]

4 Easy Dessert Ideas for Your 4th of July Party

Planning a 4th of July party can be stressful! You need to make sure you have enough food, drinks, festive decorations, fun activities and things to do—not to mention the cleaning and setup you’ll have to do to get your home party-ready. Luckily, there are a ton of great resources and helpful tips out there […]