
3oz Wildflower Honey by Savannah Bee

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3oz Wildflower Honey by Savannah Bee


Availability: In stock

SKU: 858901000489 Categories: , ,

Sometimes here at Savannah Bee we refer to our Georgia Wildflower Honey as the little sister of our signature Tupelo Honey. It’s slightly darker than Tupelo but maintains a similar texture and viscosity, and tastes a wee bit sweeter. Savannah Bee Wildflower Honey is a polyfloral variety, meaning many types of nectar were collected by our bees to create it. Most likely, those nectar sources are white holly, gallberry, sawtooth palmetto, and tulip poplar. The flavor depends on the remote Georgia wildflower blossoms and the whimsy of the bees. It’s the perfect “all-around” honey.

3 oz

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